Letting Go of Perfection

Yesterday I allowed myself time to go back and listen to my first podcast interview, with Flobo Boyce, dated March 18, 2020. It almost seems like simpler times when I sit and think about it now, and I hear him say this is “day 3 of quarantine.” We recorded this interview before the launch of Put In Black, when there was no evidence to support my vision for what this platform is becoming. 

May this piece serve as a reminder that it’s a beautiful thing to do the work your heart is asking for. 

I listened as I recalled my experience of graduate school, my blossoming yoga practice, and some bits of what led me to this moment. This moment as I write as the founder of Put In Black. This moment, as I reflect on the beautiful connections that have been made as a result of the community that is forming, based on a shared belief that not only do Black Lives Matter, but we have the resourcefulness and love to heal together. 

During that podcast interview, I made a statement that is so powerful when I think of the growth I have experienced in only a couple of months. I said that creating Put In Black was allowing myself to simply create, and to let go of my striving for perfection. I know many of us can relate to the idea of never trying a given thing because… What if it doesn’t work out? Or what will people think?

Those thoughts stifle creativity, and our truest selves.

 May this piece serve as a reminder that it’s a beautiful thing to do the work your heart is asking for. 

Featured Image: Photo by Pixabay